Since iTunes raised its per-song charge by thirtyccents to a dollar twenty nine in 2010, music purchased online seems to be a bit more expensive. You can now pay close to $13 instead of $9.99 for an album. Some “special” releases can now be as high as twenty dollars. We are currently in a recession, music industry! It shouldn’t be up to hardworking Americans to decide between music downloads and paying their car bills. Thanks to music streaming sites, it’s easy, quick, and cheaper than downloading music from higher-priced online stores.
Music streaming is when you log in to a website and can listen to the music directly from the site instead of downloading it. As people become more frustrated with the high prices of downloading music, these sites are growing in popularity. Instead of paying per song, or per album, these sites charge a low monthly fee (usually less than thirty dollars per month) and you have unlimited access to all their music to stream to your hearts content Fakaza. You can download any song that you find on the site. You can download the song instantly for a small fee.
These services are far better than traditional download sites. These are the three most important things to keep in mind when choosing which one to join.
The best site to join doesn’t always have the lowest monthly cost. In fact, it might be quite the opposite. Sites that have more users pay less per user per month. Consider this: If a site doesn’t list how many tracks are available, it is likely to be very low. You should not be able to find this information anywhere. Find another music streaming site.
Create a file on your hard disk for music that you download from streaming sites. Then, go to your options in your user dashboard and choose automatic download to this folder. Nothing is worse than purchasing a song that you love, only to not be able find it in your files.
Do you feel guilty about paying the monthly fee? To turn your frown upside-down, calculate how much you spend each month on downloadable music and divide that amount by the music you actually get. Is it less or more than the membership fee If it’s more, you will know that you get unlimited music access anytime you want (even on your smartphone) for pennies on every dollar you spent with the other guys. Feel better?
Madonna sang it best or should it have been “sang it most” when she sang “music makes people come together.” Music is so vital to our culture and the human experience, it is almost criminal to deny access because it is expensive. Switch to an online music streaming service to bring back the music that you love. You will have unlimited access to all the artists and songs that make your heart beat and your brain beat. A day without music is very sad!